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Christie Display Technology Enthralls Spectators at the Opening of Lusofonia Games
Posted on Monday, January 20, 2014

GOA, India – (January 20, 2014) – The stunning visuals of the compact and purpose-built Christie®projectors enthralled thousands of spectators who have gathered in Goa, India for the third edition of the Lusofonia Games. The sporting event, which takes place January 18-29, features 40 ChristieRoadster S+20KRoadster S+22K-J and Roadster HD20K-J 3-chip DLP® projectors at the opening ceremony that includes an impressive projection mapping show.

Audio Design, Christie’s local partner that is responsible for the Games’ visual display, collaborated with world-renowned production designer Bart Kresa to create the stunning and engaging visual spectacle. Kresa is known for delivering one-of-a-kind projection designs by combining industry-leading projectors and timeless artistry through brilliantly executed immersive projections.

The Christie projectors are installed strategically in six towers around the 22,000-seat Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium – the venue of the opening ceremony – with most tilted at 9-degree angles for maximum projection coverage and seamless edge blending onto the field during the event.

“We’re thrilled that Christie’s high performance projectors are being deployed at the Lusofonia Games for the first time and we’re confident that the entire show will be a spectacular visual feast,” said Navneet Wadhwa, managing director, Audio Design.

Vijay Sabhlok, director, Video Design, added, “The opening ceremony of the Games will be the biggest projection event that has ever been staged in India. This beats our very own best of 30 projectors used previously for the Umaid Bhawan projection mapping project.”

"The Lusofonia Games is a prestigious international sporting event and we’re delighted to be in the beautiful city of Goa to create stunning visuals that immerse and transport viewers on a journey of sporting excellence," said Kresa. “We’ve worked very closely with the show director of the opening ceremony to bring out the energy and vibrancy of this event to the whole world."

The performances at the opening ceremony encompass the spirit of “unity and pride”, which are the key elements of the Games, as well as the rich history and heritage of Indian and Goan culture that are celebrated through the theme “Panchatattva” – the five elements of nature comprising fire, water, earth, air and ether.

Keshav Chandra, CEO, Lusofonia Games said, “This spectacular launch is a fitting precursor to this international sporting event. Goa has geared up to host athletes from the participating countries and we are very happy and proud to host this exciting event.”

Widely referred to as the Portuguese version of the British Commonwealth Games, the Lusofonia Games is organized by the Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committee (ACOLOP). It involves athletes and officials from 12 Portuguese-speaking countries, formerly ruled by Portugal. Among the countries taking part in the 12-day tournament are Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Macau (China), Mozambique, Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe. Equatorial Guinea, India and Sri Lanka are associate members of the Games.

“It’s a great honor for us to be part of this major sports event for the first time and we’re delighted and proud that our high performance projectors are used in the grand opening ceremony to kick-start the Games in a big way,” said Lin Yu, vice president, Christie Asia Pacific. “It’s also wonderful to see thousands of spectators wowed by the awesome visuals that have definitely made the event even more memorable.” 